Solar shade - Features and benefits

Our PAOMA magnetic solar shade

Magnetic roller solar shade 

  • Designed to dress the window of a steel door;
  • Supported by a magnetic rod placed at the top of the frame;
  • Magnetic panel at the back of the solar shade used to hold the roller when rolled.

Magnetic solar shade

  • Designed to dress the window of a steel door;
  • Supported by two magnetic rods placed at the top and bottom of the frame.



    Climate Plus (5%)

    • Provides privacy while maintaining outdoor visibility;
    • High-performance thermal regulator that can release up to 95% of the heat.

    Balance (8%)

    • Provides privacy while maintaining uniform outward visibility;
    • Improves thermal comfort inside a room and releases up to 92% of the heat.



    High-performance shade

    • Micro-aired composite shade that transmits, reflects and absorbs light;
    • Long-lasting, stable components that are resistant to tearing and discoloration;
    • Delays the flames and 100% recyclable.

    Easy maintenance

    • Smooth surface, washable with a damp cloth.